Sunday, September 27, 2009

Touching Base...

Hello Lovelies!

As you can probably tell, I'm in the process of changing up the layout here @ Lipgloss & Lingerie. I'm still trying to make it "feel" right.  Anywho, I will be putting out a new post tonight no worries.

What do you think of the layout so far?
Do you have any suggestions regarding the design?  Let me know in the comments!



  1. Hey the comment thing works :) The layout is a little hard to follow but over all it's good. I did the bohemian hairstyle for school the other day and it worked out well.

    Keep it up :)
    (p.s I don't know what to put as the profile thing, so I'll that a guess at it)

  2. Hey Sarah,

    Yeah I messed up the html somehow--that's why the commenting wasn't working. Yeah, still trying to tweak the layout to make it a little easier to follow. Any suggestions?

